Sunday, June 28, 2009

Frail Humanity, Where is Thy sting?

I recently quit my job, as most of you will know, that follow me on facebook, in person or by some other means of communication. And I've realized how amazing it is to work with someone (two someones, actually), who, in general, share your beliefs and priorities, and treat you at least somewhat as an equal. Heck, I'd have been satisfied if more people had treated me like a human being during my term in fast food.

But more importantly, I've discovered that working in fast food doesn't kill me. Even if there are persons who seem to begrudge my humanity, the brunt of their snubs and condescensions is taken, not by my self-esteem, but by my identity, which is based on my Faith, a stronger and more durable object than a flimsy self-image. It can stand against mistreatment, and hold its own against being ignored and degraded.

Ok, so being ignored and degraded is a little strong for what actually happens at fast food, and mistreatment, taken literally, is also a bit of an exaggeration. However, in broader sense, wherever I encounter these things, the knowledge that I am a person, and the knowledge of what exactly that means, is enough to sustain me.

It seems to me that this is the one true solution to so many problems, knowing what it means to be human, what it means to have a soul. And I believe that Christianity is the one true source of that knowledge.

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