Tuesday, October 28, 2008

O, Light Invisible, we glorify Thee...

Isn't it odd?
What's invisible is often, indeed more often than not, more important than what we can see. But when we experience it, we know its true value.

To borrow an illustration from one of my favorite books, the sun is this way. Itself a paradox, we cannot bear to look at it, but by it, of all things, we are able to look at everything else.

While the above analogy is good, it (like all analogies) isn't infinitely perfect. We can sort of see the sun, if we squint our eyes, or if we're foolish enough (like Sir Newton) to look it in the face, risking damage to our eyes. There is another kind of light, however, which is not so easy to see. A light so powerful that none who are unworthy can bear it's intense beam, a light that purifies as well as illuminates, by which we understand all things, but which, of itself, cannot be understood.

To have your soul bathed in invisible light, is there anything greater?

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